Palliative Care

At Oak Medical, we are dedicated to ensuring comfort and quality of life for those facing advanced illness. Our Palliative Care Service provides expert symptom management, psychosocial support, and advanced care planning to relieve suffering and enhance well-being.

Is it Time for Palliative Care?

Recognizing the Need for Extra Support

Frequent Hospital Visits
Unplanned admissions to the emergency department or hospital 2+ times in the last 6 months.

Managing Symptoms
Increasing and/or hard-to-control symptoms like pain, shortness of breath, or dementia-related behaviors.

Nutrition and Feeding
Progressive weight loss, difficulty chewing/swallowing, or considering tube feeding.

Cognitive and Mental Health
Increased confusion, inability to make decisions, social isolation, or lack of awareness about incontinence

Conditions that Benefit from Palliative Care

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Advanced Heart Failure

Moderate to Severe Dementia


Severe Malnutrition

End Stage Renal Disease

Active Cancer Diagnosis

Collaborative Conversations

Discuss “code status” and resuscitation preferences

Define goals of care, including options for life-sustaining treatments

Let us help.

If you or a loved one could benefit from our Palliative Care Services, please contact your social worker or wellness coordinator for Oak Medical Palliative Services.